Deneb fascinates At an estimated distance of 800parsecs or about 2600ly (wikipedia), it competes in luminence (magnitude 1.25) with the other 2 stars that make the Summer Triangle - Vega and Altair. Vega is 25 ly and Altair 6 ly.
Altair in the constellation of Aquila is about 8deg above the celestial equator. It is about the highest point in the night sky for the celestial equator. (Theta Aquila is almost on the equator)
If one draws a line from Aquila (Theta) through Zeta and Sadachbia in Aquarius to its South and further South-east below Circlet of Pisces and Alresha and finally through to Mintaka in Orion in Eastern skies, you can see how the Celestial Equator runs across in the Fall skies.
To the South-west are the faint star of Ophiucus through which the equator also runs.