Sunday, March 14, 2021

Creation of Product Owner and Scrum Master Roles - how it all began

 Jeff Sutherland in his book "The Art of doing twice the work in half the time" describes how he created the Scrum master and Product Owner roles. "My inspiration for the role came from Toyota's Chief Engineer. A Chief Engineer is responsible for a whole product line, such as Corolla or Camry. To do this, they have to draw on talents of groups specializing in Body engineering, chassis, electrical etc.... The Chief engineer has to draw from all those groups a cross-functiinal team capable of creating a car... but he simply can't say something has to be done... he has to persuade, cajole, and demonstrate that his way is the right way,the best way. it usually takes someone with 30 yrs experience to fulfill this role. I wanted that in Scrum, but I'm well aware that very few people have that high level of skill and expertise. So I split the role in two, giving the Scrum master the How and Product owner the What."

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Locating Uranus from Aries using star hopping - Oct 2020

 Locating Uranus from Aries with Binoculars and a little help from the planet Mars in light polluted skies (Oct 2020)

Locate the bright stars of Hamal, Sheratan and Mesarthim in Constellation Aries by looking to the left of a very bright Mars in evening skies.

From Mesarthim, locate Iota Arietis just to the right and then count down 5 lesser bright stars to locate 19 Arietis. If 19 Arietis is in the upper right of your binoculars, then Uranus should be somewhere in view in the lower left.…

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Image may contain: night, text that says 'Sheratan M74 Mesarthim 1 lota Arietis Mars 19 Arietis -Uranus 29 Arietis'

Monday, September 5, 2016

Sep 2016 Night Sky from Bodega Bay - Andromeda, Cassiopeia and Perseus

Cassiopeia and along with Andromeda, Pegasus and Perseus are clearly visible high in the sky these nights. The stars of square of Pegasus are not too far ranging from 97ly (Alpheratz) to approx 400 ly (Gamma Andromeda/Almach is 356ly). Almach is a quadruple star system.In the backdrop of Cassiopeia is the Perseus arm of the Milky Way, rich i n clusters and stars

Andromeda galaxy photographed nicely with Rokinon 14mm/f2 lens despite light clouds from Bodega Bay dark skies but I will be trying again with Yongnuo f1.8 50mm lens compatible with Canon f1.8 50mm
In the pic below visible is Alpheratz, Delta Andromeda and Mirach. Hope 2 stars from Mirach and you can see a faint fuzz of the Andromeda galaxy, our closest companion galaxy.
(to the left are clouds drifting through the skies)

The Double cluster is just barely visible through this wide angle 14mm lens. Follow a line from Gamma to Ruchbah in Cassiopeia to just see it. It intersects with a line drawn out from Mu Andromeda to 51 Andromeda.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Aquarius Waterjug to Neptune July 2014

Neptune is to the left of Sigma Aquarii (a 4.8 mag star and approx 277ly from us) in July/Aug 2014.
In dark skies the Aquarius waterjug is easy to get in a finderscope since it is less than 4 deg across. 
Hop down to 60 Aquarii right below at mag 5.87 and to Kappa Aquarii (mag 5). 
To the lower right of Kappa Aquarii you should be able to make out an equilateral triangle of 3 mag 6 stars.
Sigma Aquarii at mag 4.8 is to the right of this triange (within 4 degs). 
Neptune is just to the left of Sigma Aquarii left and should have a bluish hue.

Alternatively you can star hop from Deneb Algiedi in Capricon (easier to find for some since Deneb Algiedi is a bright star at mag 2.84 (35ly) and flanked on its right by Nashira at mag 3.6 and 140 ly away)
Find Iota aquarii (172 ly) about 3 degrees to the down left of Mu Capricorni
42 Aquarii (486ly) is to its left within 3 degs of Iota Aquarii
Sigma Aquarii (266ly) is to the left of 42 Aquarii

Saturday, June 21, 2014